
An Interactive Fic: THE FINAL /Ch.4F

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An interactive Walking Dead experience.
Rated T.  Warning: Explicit language.
Pairings: Felix & Marzia, Red & Russ. May be hints of slash.


You and 78.8% of the readers chose B:
c) (Reach out to grab him) -  5.7%
d) "You knew this..."  - 0.0%


Chapter 4, F: Liar, Liar.

Ken broke his promise.

The floor beneath Ken's feet gave in to another violent tremor. He grunted, struggling to balance with the sharp pain digging into his abdomen.

Another wave. Minx watched as Ken was about to be devoured with the crumbling building, and she felt her heart weigh heavy. His promise knelled in her head, deep and dark, over and over, until it shattered against the cold reality.

"Minx...!" Red grabbed her wrist, and tried to pull her away. The parking lot had began to crack. "We gotta go!!"

But Minx was frozen. Amber eyes pale against the urgently collapsing building, locked with Ken's face. He'd lost his vigor, bitter defeat written over his expression.

That looks disgusted her.

She broke free from Red's grasp, and charged towards the edge of the building. "COME ON KEN!!" She reached out with a thin, feeble arm. Her voice was rasp. "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE LEAVE ME ALONE!!"

There was a rare moment of hope. Ken nodded and began to shuffle towards Minx, and reached out with a trembling, bloodied hand.

But the inevitable last wave had caught him.

The tips of their fingers grazed by each other. Michelle screamed. She watched helplessly as the earth opened its bloody jaws, and swallowed Ken up. His body was lost beneath the rubbles that were corpses of the abandoned civilization.

The team rushed towards the edge. They called out for him, like idiots holding on to a strand of sunlight, though heaven is nowhere close, and nowhere near where Ken was headed to. "KEN!!" Pewdie called. His lone voice echoed in the sudden silence of the dead town.

Ken was dead.

And he died a liar.

The crack at their feet grew in short, rapid bursts. "Fuck, man." Cry ran his hand through his hair anxiously. He felt sweaty and faint. "We.. We gotta get outta here."

Minx was still glued to the edge, her eyes blankly staring into space. Red approached cautiously, tugging on her sleeve. "Minx?"

Dawn approached. The raw sunlight felt somewhat cold against the British woman's cheeks. Despite its presence, the skies seem to darken. "Sun's coming up." Russ hissed. "We've got to get going if we want to get on that helicopter."

Red shook Minx again. Harder. "Michelle!!"

Minx woke. Or rather, you could say she didn't, but sunk further into her own delusional reality. Her body went limp, she began to laugh. Cold, low chuckles growing into a maniacal laughter. It was sharp, it was lifeless, it wasn't right. Red knew they'd lost her, but she wasn't about to give up.

The concrete beneath them crackled again. "You hear that?" She raised her hand to her ear in mockery. "Oooh, sounds like death."

Another shrilling laughter. Red seized her shoulders and glared with unfaltering green eyes. "Snap. Out. Of. It." She pronounced the syllables through gritted teeth.

"Snap?" Minx giggled. "I think I already have."

The sound of a lonely, collapsing building in the distance was carried by wind, and ran through their hair. It nipped at Minx's heart, and her smile died down. "What are we doing... Red..."

The scowl on Red's face was melted away by her sudden change. She couldn't bare to be mad at this brittle voice, she's only sad. "Minx..."

"This is my fault..."

"Don't say that..." Red pulled her in, allowing her to cry into her shoulder, but she didn't shed a tear. "Come on..."

As Red pulled away, Minx nimbly stole the gun from her belt, she didn't flaw, as if she'd practiced this scene again and again in her mind. She didn't give the others a chance to react until she'd stepped up towards the edge, cold metal against her head.

"MINX!!" Red yelled angrily, four pairs of eyes rested on the finger that lay against the trigger. "YOU GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!"

Cry held his hands up in defence. "Let's just calm down... and be reasonab-"

"Look at how far we've come." Minx nodded towards the ruins, and the road that was hidden beyond it. "Look at everyone we've lost."

Heads dropped, eyes averted.

"We've come so far, and at what cost?" She began to laugh again. "We've been walking on a bridge made from our friend's corps-"

"SHUT UP!!" Pewds screamed, he clawed at his ears and shook his head.

Everything was falling apart.

"... And lovers. Of course."

"We need to go, Red." Russ urged.

Minx giggled. "Go where? What is there in the end?...."

Red extended her hand carefully, the ground rocked a dangerous fourth time. "Minx, Take my hand."

"...There's nothing." She whispered. Eyes meeting Cry's for one last time. There was no smiles, no broken masks. He'd saw the real Minx, and she was beyond repair.

She gazed back. And said to him.

"You'll only be alone."

"MINX NO!!-"

The lone gunshot sounded. Her body rocked, then fell from the car park. She'd blown her brains out, and landed on the ground with an unpleasant thud. They turned away from the sight, all but Red and Cry, who were still frozen.

"M... Minx she..." Pewdie backed away slowly.

Fifth shake. The ground began to sink.

Cry snapped awake and forced himself to go on, "Let's go Pewds." He pulled him away from the scene. Looking back to nod at Russ. Russ nodded back.

Red slowly turned with the aid of Russ' encouragement. He wiped off some of Minx's blood that had splattered onto her with his shirt. Red took off her glasses and wiped them, it only smudged the lenses.

"Let's get out of here." Russ smiled. "Together."

Red snorted, a bitter smile. "Yeah."

They'd made it to the ground just before the building fell apart. They left what was once a city behind their backs, and headed towards where the sun was rising.

Despite the horrid deaths they'd witnessed on this dark morning, the thought of their destination within reach added a little jog in their step. Cry had to drag himself along to match their pace.

The low, drowning rumble of the collapsing car park felt numb to his ears, his lids felt as heavy as lead, and the rare moments he managed to squint out from his eyes, he'd saw nothing but blinding light and flashing colours. Shapes and figures like smudged paint.

A distorted, ghostly voice turned around, and spoke in an alien tongue - grumbles and mumbles he couldn't make out. He felt himself shrink, his knees crashed to the ground, it scorched against his skin. The fabric of his clothing threatened to choke him, he coughed and wheezed, breath shaking, lungs heavy.

Then he'd hit the floor.

Consumed by the sudden, vast darkness.

End of Chapter 4.
To be continued...
Are you ready for the grande finale of Chapter 5?: [link]

In the last episode...: [link]
Catch up on the series: [link]
© 2013 - 2024 smnius
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